With a current recycling rate of only 1%, plastic has raised great concern regarding its non-degradability. Plastic waste that takes hundreds of years to degrade and poses a serious threat to our planet's health.
Scientists have recently discovered a promising solution to this problem. They have found that certain fungi have the ability to break down plastic. When certain fungi are placed on the surface, they break down the plastic material and convert it into a biodegradable compost. This compost can then be used as a nutrient-rich fertilizer for plants.
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The study shows how Aspergillus terreus and Engyodontium album fungi produce enzymes that can break down plastic. These enzymes are able to decompose plastic molecules into simple components which can then be used by other organisms. The process is environmentally friendly, as it does not produce any toxic by-products.
The research shows that these fungi are capable of breaking down plastic within weeks, even complex polystyrene and polyethylene. This research could potentially change the way we deal with plastic waste and open the door for a more sustainable future.
This research provides a potential global solution to the problem of plastic waste.
Other species in the kingdom fungi may be able to break down plastic. Fungi could lead to the development of more effective recycling methods in the future.
Additional research looking into the biodegradation and composting of plastics and create new technologies could change the recycling industry. Perhaps a means of replacing fossil fuel and helping to reduce carbon dioxide in the environment.
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This new research could spark a shift towards a more sustainable future, with less environmental impact from plastic waste.
Creating more efficient compostable plastics and new compostable products could lead to new biodegradable products to further reduce plastic waste.
The potential of biodegradation of plastics is exciting, and it could change the industrial composting industry if further research is conducted. Ultimately, this research is a positive step towards creating a greener Earth.
Soon we may be able to include plastics in our home compost. Empowering each of us to make a real difference in creating a sustainable future generations to come.
Source: Nature.com - Biodeterioration of pre-treated polypropylene by Aspergillus terreus and Engyodontium album